Back in the old days, recording and editing audio was not a simple task: mainly because not everyone had access to the required equipment and because of the limitations and high prices of the devices. Today, you can simply use a computer, audio editing software and a PC microphone (or the line-in on the sound card).
Of course, the latter isn't going to be a pro-task, but the majority of people who just want to record themselves or external equipment in a simple way, and be able to edit the recorded material in the digital world, will probably use the quick and cheap method mentioned above.
If you want to get more serious with your recordings and editing capabilities, investing in good audio equipment and/or extending the capabilities of your PC (via hardware and software), will bring you a big step forward into the pro audio recording and editing world. Presuming you already have a PC with a built-in sound card, and you want to record something and edit it later on, or you just want to edit an audio file that is on the PC already. Then you just need an audio editing software to make changes to the sound you want to manipulate.
These days one can achieve amazing results with relatively cheap equipment, and for those who wish to discover the world of sound recording and editing, and have at least the basic equipment (mentioned earlier), then you are settled to learn what audio editing is all about and what you can achieve with it.
Once you have selected one of the applications reviewed here, you should have everything you need to get started. That said, it depends on what it is you are hoping to record/edit and how good you can make or want that recording/edit to sound. The basic idea, you need to know, is your audio editing software you choose, and how good you can make something useful with it.
Either of the reviewed applications will allow you to: create; record; import audio data; and edit its contents with the help of a graphical representation. All software listed here will give you a true picture of your audio data. Whatever you will do, one of these applications should suit you, unless you are hoping to use more than 16 tracks simultaneously, in which case you might need to spend some cash for a pro application.
Commercial alternatives for multi-track recording and editing are not cheap, and if you are going to spend your cash on commercial wares of this type, it's best to spend a bit more rather than a little, but that's subjective for what you want to achieve. That said, you can get great results with cheap hardware/software if you know what you're doing.
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A multi-track audio editor and recorder can be as simple, or as complex as you want it to be
Our Rating:
License: Free (Open source)Platforms/Download: Linux | Mac OS | Windows (Desktop) |
Version reviewed: n/a
Interface is easy to use, easily applies noise profiles, capable of saving in multiple compressed formats.